Home services

This home services brand saves $41K per month on leads from their affiliates

Faraday integrates with this brand's lead management system, predicting which leads are junk before they are bought

  • A national home services brand faced challenges with purchasing unqualified leads from affiliates, leading to wasted resources and missed opportunities.

  • The team tried various methods, such as avoiding duplicate leads and adding an identity verification layer, but the problem of acquiring unqualified leads persisted.

  • The company adopted Faraday, which provided pre-built consumer data and easy integration. This allowed real-time lead scoring and rejection of low-quality leads, leading to significant cost savings.

  • The predictive model helped save over $41,000 in 30 days. The success led to the expansion of predictive analytics to other departments, optimizing lead follow-up, email deliverability, and market strategy

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