How an insurtech company engaged more qualified leads with consumer predictions

With Faraday's consumer predictions, this insurtech company was able to target leads most likely to convert on Facebook and lower CPL.


Launched in 2017, this insurtech company had been using Facebook Lookalikes to build brand awareness and find new customers. Managing everything from will creation to life insurance, this company faces heavy competition with traditional insurance providers, so their acquisition strategy has to be strong.

Understanding customers for Facebook targeting

Faraday provided the insurtech company with the capability to understand their existing customers and build out the initial Facebook audiences around those insights that would fuel predictive audiences down the road. Optimizing their acquisition campaign performance on Facebook would allow them to generate qualified leads efficiently and grow their revenue.

Customer insights inform lead generation and personalization

Understanding their customers was the first step in knowing who to target in the future, on Facebook or otherwise. Syncing their customer data with Faraday allowed them to gain a holistic understanding of who their customers are in real life. These insights would allow them to know more about the kind of leads they were looking for, as well as inform future personalization efforts. Compared to the rest of the U.S. population, their customers had a few key lifestyle patterns worth paying attention to.

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