How Saatchi art implemented data-driven predictions to lead generation campaigns

Faraday's predictive advertising models helped Saatchi Art score new, unique customers across the country and optimize their Facebook ad spend.


Saatchi Art brings a gallery experience into the art buyer’s home, transforming the way people find and purchase original artwork. But their innovation doesn’t stop there. As more like-minded brands emerge, they knew that being able to quickly activate on customer predictions would give them a competitive edge. To do this, they wanted to target better leads on Facebook for their acquisition campaigns, but to target the best candidates for conversion, they first needed to know more about their existing customers.

Unlocking unique attributes with enriched data

The first step in giving Saatchi Art a better understanding of their customers was to enrich their first-party data with hundreds of telling attributes from the Faraday Identity Graph. Ranging from demographic data to buying habits to lifestyle information, FIG revealed details about the brand’s customers that otherwise may have gone undiscovered.

From there, they generated a customer insights report that broke out the key data that make their customers unique. This included, but was not limited to, home market value, education, and high-ticket home decor spending. These could later be activated to further personalize customer engagement initiatives.

Lead generation on Facebook

For acquisition, Saatchi Art relies heavily on Facebook. However, the shallow insights and increasing costs that come with the platform’s Lookalike audiences made it difficult to optimize their ad spend. Within six weeks of working with Faraday, Saatchi Art had a validated lead generation model that seamlessly delivered custom audiences to Facebook. Including valuable leads that Facebook Lookalikes historically excluded, Saatchi Art’s lead generation campaigns performed better and attracted their ideal customers. Spending their Facebook budget on the leads that showed the most promise for conversion lowered Saatchi Art’s cost-per-lead by 51% and cost-per-acquisition by 60%.

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