Faraday vs. Think Unlimited: Our core differentiators

Faraday outshines competitors like Think Unlimited with real-time scoring, a richer data set, transparent predictions, flexible integrations, expert support, and a fully API-based platform.

Ben Rose
David Small
Ben Rose & 
David Small

At Faraday, we often hear from clients about their experiences working with our competitors. These conversations give us valuable insights into how our platform stands out in the market, and where we have room for improvement. Recently, one of our clients shared a specific experience that really resonated with us, and we wanted to take the opportunity to highlight it to our audience.

This client, who recently worked with Think Unlimited before moving to Faraday, pointed out some key areas where we outshine our competition. As she put it:

"The transparency of the data science behind the modeling [at Faraday] was refreshing. There were no secrets. It was our data, and it was given back to us in a digestible fashion. We could also easily access the experts behind the science to ask questions."

We believe that transparency is crucial, and we’ve built our platform with the goal of making data science accessible and understandable for our users, so this was rewarding to hear.

This client also observed a significant difference in the quality of predictions between Faraday and Think Unlimited, noting that Think Unlimited's data science just didn’t seem as robust under the hood. This aligns with our commitment to providing high-quality, validated predictive models that you can trust.

But those observations are just the start. Let’s take a deeper dive into some of the key differentiators we've observed ourselves and how they contribute to Faraday’s unique value proposition.

Faraday vs. Think Unlimited: Our core differentiators

1. Real-time scoring with Faraday's Lookup API

One of Faraday's core strengths is our ability to score leads in real time. Thanks to our powerful lookup API, users can get immediate feedback on lead quality, before bids are even placed. By receiving immediate feedback, businesses can optimize decisions in real-time, leading to better outcomes in high-pressure or fast-moving situations, such as the ping post process. Think Unlimited, on the other hand, lacks this level of real-time scoring capability, which can slow down the workflow, impact decision-making timelines, and in the case of the ping post process, result in lower quality leads being purchased.

2. A more robust data set for better predictive power

Our built-in Faraday Identity Graph is a rich third-party data set that goes far beyond basic metrics by incorporating a wide range of insights that enhance the accuracy and depth of our predictive models. In addition to traditional data points, we include rich demographic, lifestyle, and behavioral data and this combination of static and dynamic data allows us to understand not just who a customer is, but how they engage with products, services, and brands. Using these third-party insights, Faraday’s models can create a dynamic, multi-dimensional picture of potential customers, leading to more accurate predictions of future actions, such as conversion or product interest.

Faraday’s robust data set also helps solve the cold start problem by providing this rich data from day one, meaning that brands don’t have to wait for a build-up of their own first-party data before accurate scoring can commence. It also allows them to immediately target new customer segments or groups that they don’t have existing data for, facilitating expansions and allowing them to quickly roll out new campaigns and products.

The depth of our data enables Faraday to generate more accurate, quick, and actionable insights compared to our competitors, empowering businesses to make data-driven decisions with confidence.

3. Score explainability: know exactly why leads get their score

Faraday emphasizes clear score explainability with all of our models. This means that users can actually know exactly why each lead receives a particular score. This level of transparency is crucial for businesses that need to understand the "why" behind their results. Having this clear visibility into the model’s scoring also helps businesses gain confidence in their decisions and ensures they can optimize their approach based on a better understanding of the process.

That earlier client specifically highlighted this point as being one of the biggest advantages she appreciated with Faraday compared to Think Unlimited, where such transparency can be harder to come by.

4. Flexible integration across use cases

Faraday isn’t just limited to lead scoring. Our platform is adaptable and can fill a range of other use cases, including product recommendation, lead suppression, and even churn prediction, plus a bunch of other options. This versatility allows businesses to leverage Faraday’s insights across different departments and applications, and also sets them up for success when expanding their business or launching new types of campaigns they haven’t undertaken before. Think Unlimited’s capabilities are more narrowly focused, which can hinder adaptability and expandability.

5. Access to experts

At Faraday, we take our data science seriously. But we also understand that predictive modeling is inherently complex and that just presenting where data comes from doesn't necessarily mean that the client will be able to understand it.

Score explainability measures are a critical first step but sometimes, the best way to ensure a score is actually explainable is pretty straightforward: just have an expert explain it. That’s why we made the game-changing choice last year to forward deploy our entire data science team, making them directly accessible to our clients—our CTO even works with a range of client accounts to ensure that they’re getting the most possible value out of their investment. This level of open communication and transparency is something Think Unlimited lacks and is the ultimate failsafe to ensure users are able to understand their predictions, and the models behind them.

6. Fully API-based for seamless integration

Faraday is fully API-based, meaning it can be integrated into any system programmatically, offering unmatched flexibility and customization. This structure not only simplifies integration but also provides the flexibility to adapt the models into any custom workflows, making it an ideal choice for companies looking for a solution tailored to their unique needs. Our API is also well-documented, which facilitates integration into clients’ existing tech stacks and ensures easier operation throughout the customer lifecycle.

These features dramatically increase speed-to-deployment, with some clients seeing major cost savings or revenue growth within their first month after signing on. Think Unlimited, in contrast, lacks the API-based framework that makes Faraday so adaptable to a wide range of use cases and workflows.

Quality predictions and transparency make the difference for our clients

At the end of the day, the quality of the predictions you rely on is what matters most. Our predictions are not only proven to be accurate and value driving, but they’re constantly monitored and revalidated to make sure we’re delivering as much value as possible to our clients. Additionally, Faraday’s data science, transparency, and flexibility make it the clear choice for businesses seeking high-quality predictive analytics that can scale and adapt to their needs, all while remaining understandable and accessible. Think Unlimited may have its place, but when it comes to powerful, explainable models and real-time scoring, Faraday leads the way.

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