Market Opportunity Analysis

Market Opportunity Analysis reports help you identify actionable growth opportunities in your market.

Market Opportunity Analysis (MOA) reports overview

A Market Opportunity Analysis report allows you to compute your current penetration and the uncaptured opportunity in your market. With this report, you can see the number and locations of remaining likely customers, which can help you focus your marketing and development efforts more efficiently.

With a Faraday MOA report, you can:

  • Assess the total addressable market and penetration rates at a variety of geographic levels.
  • Identify high-potential regions for expansion.
  • Track changes over time to refine market strategies.
  • Generate shareable reports in Google Sheets and Google Slides.

Our reports are designed for both technical users integrating MOA into their systems and non-technical stakeholders who need to interpret the results. The following sections outline how to retrieve, create, and manage MOA reports through the Faraday API.

Please note MOA reports are for customer acquisition pipelines only. Make sure your pipeline’s population represents your market, and that you’re not excluding your existing customers. Also note, this feature may not be available in all plans. Contact your account manager for more information.

👍Key takeaway: MOA reports

How it works

Faraday’s MOA process starts with a deep dive into your current customer base. Through this analysis, we uncover patterns in purchasing behaviors, geographic preferences, and lifetime value, which helps us build a detailed profile of your ideal customer and understand where your business already excels.

Then, we expand the lens. Using the proprietary Faraday Identity Graph (FIG) (which features rich data on nearly every US adult), we develop predictive models that assess the broader U.S. market and compare them to that ideal customer profile. These models allow us to pinpoint where your best prospective customers are located, quantifying the untapped potential in specific regions (down to individual postal codes) and demographics.

What you do

  1. If you don’t already have one in your account, create an Outcome representing likelihood to become a customer (e.g. buy something or transact)
  2. You can also optionally create a Persona Set for your customers if you don’t have one — this helps provide richer analysis
  3. Now create a Pipeline:
    • Use your entire market as the population (e.g. Everyone)
    • Add the Outcome, and optionally the Persona Set, to the payload
  4. Finally, use the MOA controls on your Pipeline to add the report you need

Screenshot of MOA Dashboard feature

You can also request and manage MOAs with our API. Docs can be found on our API reference page, here.

What you get back

Once your request is processed, Faraday returns a comprehensive set of insights about your target audience. These insights can include:

  • Total number of adults in the US (or a more defined market) who fit your target profile.
  • Detailed geographic data showing high-potential regions.
  • Persona breakdowns of the targeted customers for deeper understanding of your audience.

In addition to summary stats in your Dashboard (or API), Google Slides and Sheets are automatically created, and permission to view these assets is granted to all users on the current account.

Screenshot of MOA generated slide

How Faraday does it differently

Unlike traditional methods that rely on static demographics or general trends, Faraday’s MOA is designed to adapt to the nuances of your business and market. Here’s how we do it:

  • Propensity modeling: Instead of focusing solely on static data, we use propensity modeling to identify your likely future customers. This ensures our analysis evolves with shifting market dynamics and customer behavior.
  • Persona analysis: We assign personas to individuals based on their demographics. This gives you a detailed understanding of your future customers, including whether they own or rent, have families, or their education level.
  • Advanced analytics: Using classification and clustering models, we go beyond identifying ideal customers. We also reveal their locations and provide insights into the most effective ways to engage them.

The result? You’re not just equipped with data—you’re armed with actionable intelligence that helps you focus your efforts where they’ll have the greatest impact.