
How to create individual customer predictions.

  • Customer personas

    Customer persona predictions organize your customers into thematic groups based on traits from both your data and the Faraday Identity Graph, enabling rich insights that help drive personalization efforts.

  • Forecasted spend

    Forecasted spend predictions reveal how much individuals will spend, over how many transactions, and over a certain timeframe, enabling you to find and focus on your best customers.

  • Likelihood to buy again

    Likelihood to buy again predictions reveal how likely individuals are to purchase again, enabling you to focus your customer engagement effectively.

  • Likelihood to churn

    Likelihood to churn predictions reveal which of your customers are most likely to churn, enabling you to engage those with high risk before they take that critical step.

  • Likelihood to convert

    Likelihood to convert predictions reveal which leads are most likely to convert and become customers, enabling you to prioritize the most critical leads.

  • Product recommendation

    Product recommendation predictions reveal which products individuals are most likely to respond best to, enabling you to find the perfect first-best or next-best offer.

  • Rep assignment

    Rep assignment predictions reveal which sales rep is most likely to convert an individual, enabling you to put the best person on any given job.