
Traits are interesting features about individuals and/or their households, sourced from both your data and Faraday's.

Traits overview

Traits are interesting features about individuals and/or their households, sourced from both your data and Faraday's. The Faraday Identity Graph (FIG) includes 1,500+ rich attributes of data on 240 million adult consumers, with built-in identity resolution. Faraday's data is licensed, permissioned, and responsibly-sourced from reputable data brokers, and includes data from public record, surveys, self-reporting, and non-cash transactions.

Traits are primarily used in cohorts and persona sets. In cohorts, they can be used to help define and add nuance to groups of people that your business is interested in, and in persona sets, they're how your persona predictions are made–by grouping the individuals in your cohorts by the highest coverage traits among them. Additionally, you'll find traits when using score explainability in your outcomes.

A full list of traits in Faraday is available via the Dashboard UI, and traits can be listed, created, deleted, and more via our API. This includes both traits from Faraday, and those that you have created within your account.

👍Key takeaway: traits

Property traits

Property traits in FIG are sourced from data brokers that specialize in the collection of property data, such as tax assessor offices. Due to this, coverage for any given trait tends to follow a geographic pattern, based on the data collection requirements for a given county or municipal tax assessor office. For example, some tax assessor offices might collect heating system type, while others do not–these are represented as null values, and should be interpreted as "unknown." In Faraday, an example of this would be, if the trait heating system type is not populated, it means Faraday does not know the heating system type as opposed to the property not having any heating system at all.

Consumer traits

Consumer traits in FIG are similarly sourced from data brokers that specialize in collection of demographic, lifestyle, and financial information. The source of these traits is wide-ranging, but includes data from self-reporting, surveys, public record, and inferred traits from non-cash transaction data. Null values should be interpreted as unknown–for example, an individual with the dog owner trait not populated would mean that Faraday does not know if they have a dog as opposed to them not having a dog.

Trait accuracy

With a dataset of the size of FIG, trait inaccuracies are possible. Sources of error include–but are not limited to– data currency, misreporting by individuals, and the application of household values to individuals. As a means to combat inaccuracies, Faraday sources data from a variety of vendors to improve data quality through multi-vendor corroboration.

Trait currency

Faraday receives updated data from our data partners on varying schedules, but FIG is generally updated on a quarterly basis. It should be noted that this does not mean that every record within FIG is updated with each installment.

Specific trait guides

Below, you'll find additional descriptions or tables, where applicable, for some Faraday Identity Graph traits.

Housing density definitions

The housing_density trait corresponds to “Units per sq/mi” in the table below.

Housing density definitions
RankNameUnits per sq/mi
1Sparsely populated1-72
2Lightly rural72-337
3Moderately rural337-640
4Low density suburban640-1,200
5Medium density suburban1,200-2,400
6High density suburban2,400-3,456
7Low density urban3,456-4,672
8Medium density urban4,762-6,400
9High density urban6,400-10,000
10Moderate urban core10,000-16,000
11Dense urban core16,000+

Architectural style guidance

The architectural style trait (style) describes the building style of each structure.

The entry 'MULTI-FAMILY' is often used to filter for multi family housing, but it is not the most effective way to do this. The field Units in building (units) has much higher coverage, and the same filter can be built using units >= 2 and units <= 4. If you are trying to find multi family homes for any reason, Units in building should be used instead of Architechtural style.

Target valuescore

Target valuescore values translate to a rough credit score seen in the table below.

Valuescore definitions
RankValuescoreCredit score
A1Best profit margin760+
A2Best profit margin740
B1Above average profit margin725
B2Above average profit margin710
C1Average profit margin690
C2Average profit margin675
D1Below average profit margin660
D2Below average profit margin650
D3Below average profit margin640
E1Poor profit margin625
E2Poor profit margin610